By the time he was 30, Syd Kessler was a millionaire many times over, the epitome of the poor kid making good. But inside him, a hollowness was taking hold, and later, in middle age, he fell seriously ill. In the dark days of a long recovery, Kessler explored the Kabbalah and the discoveries of quantum physics, developing a system of moral principles from the truths of how the universe began and operates. His set of principles—from Big Bang to Moral Cause and Effect to Selfless Selfishness to Closure and Energy—are revolutionary. They will heighten your sense of self and purpose and transform relationships in every part of your life.

Formats Available: Hard Cover, Paperback, Kindle, eBook, iPad/iPhone


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The Perfect System

Other Books by Syd Kessler

Perfect System Parenting

The Perfect System Parenting

by Syd Kessler, Ellen Kessler

Don’t worry — the Kesslers know that parents can’t possibly be perfect. But they do believe that imperfect parents can raise their children on the foundation of a perfect system: the laws of nature, in particular the principle of causality — that every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. The Kesslers show parents practical ways to teach their kids — from infancy to young adulthood — that negative actions cause negative results, and positive actions cause positive results, equipping them for happy and fulfilling lives at home and beyond. They also show parents how to avoid “the love ambush” — the “you don’t love me anymore” line used by children — by letting their children know their role is not to receive love from them but to keep them safe.

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Vibes: The Scientific Secret to Achieving Extraordinary Results in Sales and Management

Vibes: The Scientific Secret to Achieving Extraordinary Results in Sales and Management

by Syd Kessler, David E. Morrison

In this inspiring book, David Morrison and Syd Kessler apply to sales and management the amazing findings of quantum physics and neurobiology, which show that everything is made up of vibrations. As they explore and apply these truths, the dramatic implications become clear: we can actually affect our own and others’ feelings and behaviours by increasing our own vibes and those of the people we sell to and work with, and sales and management can become powerful arenas of energy, teamwork, and extraordinary success. The book is full of real-life stories showing salespeople and managers in action raising their vibes and sales in truly inspiring ways. From cover to cover, Vibes is an energetic description of the nature of the universe and the secrets of optimal human relationships, and of what can happen when this understanding is applied to business and life.

The Master Builder

The Master Builder

by Michael Berg, Syd Kessler

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